Syllabus For SSC SI and CAPFs Exam

CAPFs Exam

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The SSC administers the SI CPO, a nationwide exam for Sub-Inspectors in Delhi Police and CAPFs. Here are the comprehensive syllabus details for the SSC SI in Delhi Police and CAPFs Examination.

The Examination Consist of Four Stages

  • Paper-I (Computer Based Examination)
  • Physical Standard Test (PST) and Physical Endurance Test (PET) are two tests usually conducted as a part of a recruitment process.
  • These tests are meant to evaluate the physical fitness of the candidates. In addition, there is also a Paper-II test that candidates may have to take as part of the recruitment process. (Computer Based Examination)
  • Detailed Medical Examination (DME)

Paper-I (Computer Based Examination)

PartsSubjectsNo. of Questions / MarksDuration
IGeneral Intelligence and Reasoning50/502 Hours
IIGeneral Knowledge and General Awareness50/50
IIIQuantitative Aptitude50/50
IVEnglish Comprehension50/50
  • Please find below the revised version of the text with corrections and clarifications:
  • The exam will be scored on a marking system.
  • “Please note that for every incorrect answer, there will be a negative marking.” 0.25. The exam will last 120 minutes (2 hours).
  • The questions will be in English and Hindi, except for Part IV.
  • The exam will consist of objective-type, multiple-choice questions only.

General Intelligence & Reasoning

The exam covers verbal and non-verbal questions encompassing analogies, similarities, differences, problem-solving, arithmetical reasoning, figural classification, coding, decoding, space visualization, spatial orientation, analysis, judgment, decision-making, visual memory, discrimination, observation, relationship concepts, arithmetic number series, non-verbal series, syllogistic reasoning, and statement conclusion. Topics include Symbolic/Number Analogy, Semantic Analogy, Semantic Classification, Figural Analogy, Symbolic/Number Classification, Figural Classification, Semantic Series, Number Series, Coding & Decoding, Figural Series, Problem Solving, decoding and classification, Word Building, Numerical Operations, symbolic Operations, Trends, Space Orientation, Space Visualization, Venn Diagrams, Drawing inferences, Social Intelligence, Punched hole/pattern-folding & unfolding, Figural Pattern-folding and completion, Indexing, Address matching, Embedded Figures, Date & city matching, Classification of centre codes/roll numbers, Small & Capital letters/numbers coding, Emotional Intelligence, Critical thinking, etc.

General Knowledge and Awareness

The following is a statement that has been corrected for any spelling, grammar, and punctuation errors.The questions will evaluate the individual’s understanding of current events. Everyday observations focus on the scientific aspects expected of an educated individual. They’ll cover topics related to India and its neighboring countries, emphasizing History, Culture, Geography, Economics, General Polity, Indian Constitution, Scientific Research, etc.

Quantitative Aptitude

The exam encompasses questions on whole numbers, decimals, fractions, and their relationships, including square roots. It also covers topics such as ratio and proportion, percentage, profit & loss, mixture and allegation, averages, interest, discount, partnership business, time and distance, time & work, basic algebraic identities, elementary surds, graphs of linear equations, triangle properties and centers, congruence and similarity of triangles, circle properties including chords, tangents, and angles subtended by chords, as well as common tangents to circles. Other topics include quadrilaterals, regular polygons, right prism, right circular cone, right circular cylinder, sphere, hemispheres, rectangular parallelepiped, regular right pyramid, bar diagrams, pie charts, trigonometric ratios, degree and radian measures, complementary angles, heights and distances, standard identities, frequency polygons, histograms, etc.

English Comprehention

The candidate’s proficiency in understanding the English language, along with their basic comprehension and writing skills, will also be evaluated.

Physical Standerd Test (PST) and Physical Endurance Test (PET)

  • The exam is qualifying in nature.
  • Only those candidates who qualified in PET/ PST will be allowed to appear in Paper-II Examination.

Paper-II (Computer Based Examination)

SubjectNo. of Questions / MarksDuration
English Language & Comprehension200/2002 Hours
  • The exam will consist of multiple-choice questions only and have a scoring system.
  • The exam lasts 120 minutes (2 hours),
  • And”Please note that for every incorrect answer,
  • A penalty will be imposed..”0.25 marks.

English Language & Comprehension

Questions in this section will assess the candidate’s understanding and knowledge of the English language. They will cover areas such as error recognition, spelling, vocabulary, filling in the blanks, grammar, sentence completion, synonyms, antonyms, phrases, idiomatic use of words, comprehension, sentence structure, and more.

Detailed Medical Examination (DES)

The exam is of a qualifying nature.

Important Points

  • Based on their performance in Paper-I, candidates will be shortlisted for appearing in PET/ PST Examination.
  • PET/ PST are mandatory but qualifying in nature. Ex-Servicemen are not required to undergo PET.
  • Only those candidates who qualified in PET/ PST will be allowed to appear in Paper-II Examination.
  • Based on their performance in Paper-I + Paper-II, candidates will be shortlisted for appearing in Medical Examination. Candidates, who are successful in Medical Examination, will be called for Document Verification.
  • Minimum qualifying marks in Paper-I and Paper-II are as follows:
  • UR: 30%
  • OBC/ EWS: 25%
  • All other categories: 20%
Download Full Syllabus of SSC SI and CAPFsClick Here
Details For PST and PETClick Here
Details For Medical Standard TestClick here

Frequently Asked Question

What determines if I qualify for the PET/PST examination?

I will determine your PET/PST examination eligibility based on your performance on Paper.

Are the PET/PST examinations mandatory?

Yes, PET/PST are mandatory, but they are qualifying in nature.

Do veterans need to undergo PET?

No, veterans are not required to undergo PET.

Who is eligible to appear in the Paper-II examination?

Only candidates qualified in the PET/PST examinations can appear in Paper II.

What happens after the Paper II examination?

Based on your performance in both Paper I and Paper II, you will be shortlisted for a medical examination.

What is the purpose of the medical examination?

The medical examination assesses your fitness for the position.

What follows after the medical examination?

Candidates successful in the medical examination will be called for document verification.

What are the minimum qualifying marks for Paper I and Paper II?

The minimum qualifying marks for both Paper-I and Paper-II will be provided.


The selection process for this examination involves several stages, including Paper-I, PET/PST, Paper-II, medical examination, and document verification. PET/PST are mandatory but serve as qualifying rounds, with ex-servicemen exempt from PET. Only candidates who qualify in PET/PST proceed to Paper-II. Subsequently, candidates are shortlisted based on their performance in both papers for a medical examination. Those who pass the medical examination undergo document verification. Meeting the minimum qualifying marks is crucial at each stage to progress further in the selection process.

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